Planning Goals for 2012

With the new year comes new goals I've setting forth to attempt to accomplish. I've never been one for making resolutions because I most likely give up after the second or third week and feel like utter crap for doing so. I will never, and I mean never make a resolution involving weight loss because it just won't work.

Instead I make a list of goals I would like to accomplish throughout the year, sort of a bucket list of sorts for that specific year.  If I completely my list, great!  It's great if I complete my list, but if I don't I won't fret over it.  The goals aren't set in stone, and the list is more of a guide for me.  It's a place I can add things I would like to do, and whenever I get some free time or money I can refer to the list for something I can get done.

For instance I have a few pieces of furniture I would like to sand and refinish.  I know I can't do it anytime soon because I just don't have the time or money right now, but I can add those to the list.  Then later on in the year I may be able to mark that off.  The top item on my list right now is reorganizing my entire house and getting rid of many things I've held onto that we have no use for or room to house anymore.  I've tried the "30 days to..." type things, and they never work for me.  I always get sidetracked half way through and stop.  Instead I'm making a note to sort through something each day as I have time whether it be an entire room or just one box.  That I can handle.

Do you make resolutions?  What about goals for the year?

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