Where Did The Time Go?

Time has definitely gotten away from me lately, and I feel like just yesterday it was the beginning of April.  These last few months have really flown by, and before you know it Fall will be upon us and I'll be blogging about Halloween party invitations and such without even realizing so much time has passed.

I never felt like time moved so fast until Ellie was born.  Having a baby definitely speeds everything up.  I look at her everyday and wonder where the last 20 months have gone.  Will she really be 21 months old in a few weeks and 2 years old in less than 4 months?  She’s grown so fast, and I feel if I blink my eyes she’ll double in size. 

Maybe I feel that way because she’s learning so many things on a daily basis right now.  For example she hasn’t wanted anything to do with her Duplo blocks other than throwing them at the cat and occasionally stacking two together.  She’s been doing that since Christmas.  Yesterday she decided it was time to make use of them, though.  I left her playing in the play room while I went to make lunch, and when I came back not only had she pulled out the blocks, but she had stacked them 14 rows high!  When she decides she’s going to do something she definitely does it!

As much as I hate how fast I feel life is moving right now I’m excited to see what’s ahead.  What will tomorrow bring, and what new experiences will I share with my little girl?  That’s what makes life so wonderful.  It’s always exciting and ever changing.

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