Well Hello Again

Yet again I feel bad that it's been so long since I've posted, but I promise it is due to reasons beyond my control.  There is still a lot going on around here that I just don't feel comfortable discussing on my blogs, and it's keeping me away on a regular basis.  Between that, Hubby still being laid off and home all the time, and the fact that we've been back to sharing one computer I've hardly had a chance to get online at all.

Now I'm also contending with a crappy internet connection again.  Charter is supposed (keyword here) to be out here again on Tuesday to fix it.  We'll see how that goes because they have a habit of not showing up when they're supposed to.  So far the connection is cooperating with me tonight, so hopefully it'll hold out long enough for me to catch up on a few things.

Other than that I've just been trying to stay sane these days.  I helped my Grandma have a yard sale this Saturday.  She cleaned a good bit of stuff out of her basement, but it really didn't make a dent in how much stuff she still needs to get rid of.  My Grandpa will be happy if she'll just get rid of the stuff piled in his "game room". He has a ping pong table and a pool table, and he can't get to either one of them for all the stuff she's hoarded.

Today was spent trying to run my own errands and catch up on housework.  I barely knocked a dent in the housework, but I did manage to make it to the grocery store and to pick up a new router since I found one on sale for a really great price.  Now I don't have to keep kicking Hubby off the pc to get anything done.  He still needs a power supply for his computer, but at least now he can get online on the PS3 without stealing my connection, and he can surf the net there as well.

Now I'm off to try to make a dent in about 3 weeks worth of email I STILL have to go through (from about 5 accounts NOT counting the Facebook stuff), and then hopefully I can get a list made of stuff to do tomorrow.  Maybe if I make a list I can accomplish everything I need to.

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