Just Not Enough Energy

Now I know why I've been so "off" the past few days. It's the "girl stuff" that has me down. My endo always causes problems when it's that time, and this month it's a lot worse than usual. That's probably because I've had allergies and a stomach virus keeping my immune system weak, so everything just piled up on me.

I had a lot of stuff planned this week, but so far I've done nothing but sleep. Last night I took the time to upload a few videos of Hubby's trip to Deal's Gap yesterday, but that's about all I've done. I slept all day today, and I still just want to curl up back in my bed.

Hubby wanted to go see What Happens In Vegas tonight, but after reading the reviews, seeing the type of ratings it's getting, and reading a few of the spoilers I don't think I want to waste cash on it...especially not the way I'm feeling right now. I'll wait until it comes out on On Demand, and I'll watch it for free.

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