In Need Of A Vacation

Lately I've really been itching to go on vacation. I guess it's mostly because it's been so long since we've actually been able to take a real vacation. All the financial issues we've been dealing with for the past year have really gotten me down. I really want to go to Florida to see our friend "T-Mac".

Last time I was in Florida was quite a long time ago. I went to Tampa with my high school honors chorus group. It was awesome because we performed at a showcase in Orlando, then we got to perform at Disney World! It was super awesome, but the most memorable part wasn't the performance. What I remember the most was mischievous for a group of teenagers, but funny now that I look back on it.

We had 3 day passes to get into of the collective Disney theme parks. Even though I was a goody good back then, a group of kids decided to sneak away from Epcot to visit MGM. First of all we all boarded the wrong shuttle, so we ended up at Animal Kingdom. The next shuttle didn't arrive for 45 minutes, so we got stuck sitting outside waiting. By the time we finally made it to MGM we only had 2 hours before we had to meet up with our group back at Epcot. We ended up eating at a 50's style diner inside the park, and that's all we had time for. We boarded the shuttle back to Epcot and met back up with our group.

The next day arrived, and to our surprise our teacher asked the group which of the other parks we would prefer to visit. We had spent half a day at Epcot, half a day at Magic Kingdom, and a full day at Animal Kingdom, so we could choose to go back to Magic Kingdom as was planned or he would take us to MGM instead. Of course the group voted to go to MGM!

What we didn't know was that once our tickets were scanned at certain parks, we weren't allowed to reuse them at that park per the rules of the ticket packages purchased by the school. MGM was one of the ones we could only visit once on our 3 day ticket. It was a huge bummer because not only did we all get busted, but we had to pay for our own admission to get into the park. Thankfully our teacher took it easy on us. He made us run laps that night around the hotel, but we didn't get in trouble when we got back home.

I really would love to go back to Florida, and I would love to not only go back to Disney World but to also take one of the Orlando Tours that Trusted Tours & Attractions offers. They've got a ton of sightseeing tours in many different cities, and right now you can win a handheld GPS just by signing up for their newsletter!

1 comment:

ConnieFoggles said...

When are you coming here? January's almost over :(

My Chronic Life