Manic Monday

I normally post Monday Madness on Mondays, but it's been over a month now since the meme has updated. I'm going to switch up to another Monday meme for now, and I think Manic Monday looks like a good one to try!

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be and why?

I would change the fact that I was raised in a very sheltered home. My mom tried to protect me from everything, and in the end it just caused her to have to deal with two very rebellious teenage girls who wanted to discover all the things that we were taught were bad.

Do you think that the world will be a better or a worse place 100 years from now?

Considering the way things are going, I think the world will be a much worse place in 100 years.

At the beginning of a relationship, do you trust your new partner unless there is something specific to make you do otherwise, or do you withhold your trust until he/she has earned it?

I always tried to enter into my relationships with an open trust policy. I'll trust you until you give me a reason not to. Of course I got my heart broken a few times that way, but live and learn.

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