Changing Things Up...Maybe

I'm debating on revamping my categories for this blog. Originally I just wanted to review different products, then I started to include websites and blogs in the mix. I eventually moved on to personal posts because I didn't like the idea of posting them on my myspace blog that I never use. Now that I have my more general blog on my own domain, I'm thinking of going back to mainly reviews on this one.

While I was looking at some payroll software today, I decided that I might start doing some type of software buzz posts each week. We'll see how that goes. I'm not exactly sure if I want to commit to a weekly post or not.

One thing I will be keeping on this blog is my discussions of drug addictions. You can expect to see more of that in the near future due to the fact that I spend a great deal of time dealing with drug addicts and helping them get clean.

I guess I'm just looking for a little change in content, but I haven't decided which way I want to move with it. Only time will tell what I really decide to do.

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