Great Job Supporters!

When I began my campaign to convince others to support Locks of Love, I didn't expect an immediate response. A lot of people are always iffy about supporting charities, even well known ones, but I'm surprised at the support I'm already receiving on this! Good work guys! We already have 3 signatures on the pledge, and hopefully the list will continue to build. We only need 7 more participants before the gift certificates go up for grabs! I want to remind everyone that Locks of Love is a very easy charity to support. There are so many ways to contribute to the cause, and most of them don't require any money on your part! Don't forget to check my sidebar offer for a list of participants. Give them a little link love for doing their part!

If you are already a Locks of Love supporter I would love to hear from you! Send me a quick email about how you support the cause and I will include your story in one of my next posts! A few of our Pledge signers have already contributed their stories! Kayce will have donated at least 10" of hair 5 times this year with her next haircut! Leigh's daughter has donated her hair!

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