It's Pay Day!

I've been out of it for a few days because of sickness and personal issues with the family, but I'm back now. Being sick I haven't worked any this week, so money is tight. I sat down to budget out what cash we have left to get through this week, and I just realized it's Friday. Well there's one crisis averted.

Being Friday also means it's payday from my "other" job. I get paid every other two weeks, but this being a pay week really helps out. Hubby normally covers the bills while my cash is our "fun money", but this week it's going to buy some things I really need. This is one of those weeks where I've ran out of just about all of my cleaning supplies, and I need to pick up a few personal items. I was going to try to buy a steam mop this weekend, but I think I'll hold off on that. I want to try a new acne cream my sis-in-law recommended to me, and then I need to stock up on some of the little things that I buy in bulk like shampoo, conditioner, trash bags, and Simple Green.

If you haven't tried Simple Green, give it a try. I absolutely love it. It's super safe to use around kids and pets since it's non-toxic and biodegradable. I use Simple Green for almost all my cleaning these days. If you're looking for all natural products they have a Naturals line as well.

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