Internet Cutting In And Out

I've pretty much given up on trying to do anything around the computer today. This is the first time I've been able to sit down to blog because my internet has been cutting in and out all day. Actually I've been typing this up, and then rebooting my modem just to try to get a signal long enough to post it.

Charter will be coming out this afternoon to fix it, but there's no telling what time they'll be here or if they'll even get it fixed. I'm so sick of this. We've been dealing with these problems from Charter for over 4 years, and they have yet to get anything working right.

I'd love to be able to switch to another company, but no one else offers cable internet in our area. There's no way I'm going back to dial-up, and considering satellite internet is about as bad as thinking of returning to dial-up.

Maybe my best bet is to just move. OK yeah I'm not going to really pack up my stuff and move just because my internet service sucks, but it does make me want to do some searches for stuff like Wilmington NC real estate. You never know what I might find that I like. Hmmm...I wonder if I could really convince hubby to move to Wilmington. I seriously doubt it!

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