Blog Reviews Open

I think I'm done with memes for the night. I've seriously got to take the time to catch up on some laundry and dishes anyway. I'm wide awake so now seems like the perfect time to do it. I can almost bet I'll be back here in an hour or so blogging again looking for more memes to do. I hate nights like this. I've complained in another blog all week about how I've really needed my sleep, and I think I finally slept so much over the past few days that now I'm just totally wide awake!

So, I'm definitely going to be looking for a lot to do. That means I'm going to open my blog to reviews again! I'm not requiring reciprocal links this time, so if you want your blog reviewed, jump at this chance! All you have to do is leave me a comment on this post or any other post for that matter with the link to your blog asking for a review. If you would rather have a little buzz, I'll do that, too! Just let me know!


Anonymous said...

Oh I would love someone to look at Suncoast Scribe with a critical eye. I am working on it so slowly and want to get it into the kind of shape where it's a blog that's easy to read and enjoyable.

Betty Carlson said...

Well, I just happened to drop by here, so feel free to check out either La France Profonde or Cuisine Quotidienne on Blogger. And So Forth is more "just for fun."