Geeky Speaky Giveaways

Have you heard what's going on over at Geeky Speaky? Colleen's giving away some new awesome prizes each month! For the month of June she's giving away a 1GB USB Flash Drive and as a booby prize, the Futurama DVD. I really need a new flash drive.

Currently I've only got my little 512mb mini SD card that I use with my cell phone. This means anytime I need to transfer something to hubby's pc or to one of my customer's pc's, I have to remove all my MP3s, videos, and pictures off my card before I can use it to transfer. Than I have to load what I need onto the card, transfer it to the other computer, delete everything from the card, reformat it so my phone will read it, and add all my MP3s, videos, and pictures back to the card so I'll have them on my phone. Did I mention that everytime I remove the card from my phone, I have to turn my phone off, remove the battery for 5 minutes, and completely reset my phone?

Yeah, my life would definitely be a lot easier if I had another Flash Drive. It costs too much to use CDs for the transfers, and floppies just take way too long! I had a Flash Drive that made transfering drivers, etc to customer's computers much easier, but unfortunately hubby broke it. How can you break a flash drive? It's easy when you drop it out of your pocket and run over it with the motorcycle!

If you want the Flash Drive just as badly as I do, stop by Geeky Speaky for the contest rules. If you're interested in non-tech related prizes, check out Simple Kind of Life!

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