Picture Frames of Today

I'm looking into getting a digital picture frame. I like the idea of being able to store my digital photos on a memory card to view anytime I want from a digital frame. I also like how with digital frames, you don't have to look at the same photo all the time, you don't have to print a picture just to display it, and you don't have to go through the hassle of taking the frame apart just to change the photo. I hate to say it, but I get tired of looking at the same pictures all the time, so I really don't have that many frames up displaying my memories. I'm almost too lazy to change them out all the time, and if I framed every photo I love to look at, I wouldn't have room for all the frames! Most of the time my pictures display on my personalized screensaver, but if I want to share them with others I either have to wait until the screensaver loads on idle, or I have to search through my photos on my computer and open them one at a time to share. With a digital picture frame, I can load the pictures I want to see on the memory card, share them with friends and family and set them to change so I don't have to see the same one all the time. It saves space, saves frames, and best of all, changing what photos I want to view is just a memory card away! Most digital frames these days can also display your personal home videos, play music, and more, so that's definitely a plus. Imagine setting up your own slideshow of pictures with music in the background in a frame that can sit on your desk at work, or your coffee table at home.

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