Julie over at Julie's Journal has asked us to write about our best friends. She wrote a great post, and asked us "
Who's Your Best Friend?" You can stop by her blog to read her post and participate, too! Now, let me tell you a little bit about my best friend.
My best friend is my wonderful husband, Ben. April 1st marked 5 years for us. September 20th will be our 4th wedding anniversary. We met through a mutual friend one night, started dating, and haven't been apart since. I honestly can't tell you what I would do without him. The past 5 years have been the best years of my life, and I wouldn't change them for the world.
Here's the more detailed version of how we met:

I had just broke up with my boyfriend who was very mentally abusive a couple days before and decided I needed a night out, so I called my friend Amanda. We decided to watch a movie at her house, but she realized she had lent the movie she wanted me to watch to a girl she worked with, so I rode with her to get it. While we were at this other girl's house, Amanda's friends showed up. One of them was Ben. Something about him caught

my eye, but I have always been shy, so I didn't say more than a hey and bye to him. After we left Amanda said something about how hot the other guy was, and I said I really didn't think so. I thought Ben was the hotter one. Amanda took it upon herself to give Ben my number, and he called me about a week later. We instantly connected and ended up spending the entire night on the phone. We talked 13 hours straight, and he went to work the next day without any sleep. A few days later Ben met Amanda and I at Huddle House after she got off work, and that was the beginning of it all. We went out a couple times in the next week, and although I kept telling him I wasn't ready to date anyone else yet, I felt myself being drawn to him more and more. Within a month and a half we were not only dating, but we had moved in together. A year and a half later we were married.

We haven't spent one day apart since we "officially" started dating. I have a picture a friend took of us on our first date. It's my favorite picture, and I cherish it even more than our wedding pictures.
April Fools Day will always be your favorite holiday huh? Great story, and thanks for participating.
Aren't you glad Amanda gave him your number? You make a cute couple.
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