A Topic Close To My Heart: Getting Away From Drug Abuse

When I saw that I had a sponsored post opportunity dealing with Drug Rehabilitation, I jumped at the offer. This is a topic that has had an effect on myself, my family, and my friends in a very big way, so I would be willing to do this post for free just to get the word out.

Both my best friend and my husband have dealt with drug problems. Thankfully when I met my husband, he welcomed my attempts to move him away from his druggy crowd and was able to get away from meth in 2 months time. My best friend wasn't so lucky. He has continuously worked his way in and out of detox programs, moving from house to house with friends and family to try to get himself away from the temptation, but nothing has worked for him. He has had a very strong ongoing addiction for almost 5 years now. So, like I said, drug rehab is a subject I am closely connected to.

Stone Hawk, located in Michigan, offers a great drug rehabilitation program. I have no problem discussing a program that isn't in my area because I believe in many cases, the farther you travel for help, the better the outcome. You won't be connected with any of those people who helped you feed the problem in the first place. Stone Hawk offers many programs including detox, rehabilitation, and life skills courses. If you know someone who needs help, you can download a free information packet for more information. Be sure to check out the many articles on different drugs and treatments.

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