Happy Anniversary To You Too!

So much for a happy anniversary! As always hubby and I decided to have our biggest fight of the year on our one day that we should celebrate. The day started off nice. I slept most of the day because I'm sick. I'm trying to get over whatever it is we've all had, but today was my worst day. Hubby came home from work with a box of chocolates for me which was very nice considering we're not doing gifts until next weekend when we have the cash to afford them.

I don't know how it happened but things just migrated into a huge fight. Hubby wanted to cook dinner, and he asked me what I wanted to eat. Seeing as how I wasn't feeling well, I just said surprise me. I'll eat anything right now. He started going through every cabinet in the kitchen naming off everything we have down to the flour, sugar, and spices. Before I knew it we were screaming at each other. Things just got worse as the evening went on, and we weren't even talking to each other by bedtime.

Now I'm wide awake at 4:30 with a killer headache, a nauseous stomach, and I can't breathe. Hubby left me a note on my desk apologizing for the way he acted. Apparently he had a horrible day at work that he just didn't want to talk about, and he ended up taking it out on me. We've all done it before, but I hate when it happens on our anniversary of all days.

Our first anniversary was the same way. I can't remember exactly what happened, but we got into a huge fight. What I do remember is I had our cake topper sitting on the table so we could hold tradition by sharing it on our anniversary. We never ate it because I ended up throwing it at him. I was cleaning lavender icing up for months. I'd find it behind the microwave, stuck to a light bulb over the sink, inside a decorative cup....everywhere!

Hubby's note said he wants to take me to a movie tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling, to make up for everything. We're still pinching pennies this week, but I may be able to work in a show at the "dollar theater" in Clemson aka The Astro 3. Little older theaters like that make me want to have my own personal home theater. They're just so cozy. Maybe next year I should ask hubby to look at some discount home theater seating I found. He could make up our anniversary by helping me create the home theater I've always wanted.

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