
This time of the year I always try to think of a charity to donate some money to. I donate clothes to Goodwill and the DAR as often as I can, but before Christmas rolls around I like to donate to a charity that can use it, especially if it involves presents for needy children. I also like to donate to foundations involving diabetes and cerebral palsy. My sister in law has type 1 diabetes, and one of my best friends since childhood has cerebral palsy.

I'm mentioning all this because it's about the time of year when people start shopping for Christmas presents. I would love to see tons of bloggers take a little bit of their Christmas spending money and donate it to charity. Quite a few bloggers do some sort of paid blogging these days, so how hard would it be to donate a couple of those paid posts to the charity of your choice? I think that's what I'm going to do this year. On top of my normal charity donations, I plan to use the money from a few of my paid posts for my charity donations.

For those of you who don't really agree with paid blog posts, would you be more willing to accept them if you knew they were raising money for a good cause?

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