Free Review Of Your Blog

I've decided to put the offer out there again to review blogs for free. I did this awhile back, and I had quite a few responses, and overall I think everyone was happy with the reviews I wrote. If you would like me to review your blog, I will be more than happy to do it. All I will require is a link back here. Websites, products, and services will NOT be considered for a free review. If you are interested in receiving a review or buzz about any of those, please use my sidebar button to inquire about a paid post.

Any blogger who would like a review should follow these instructions:
  • Leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog.
  • Once the review has been written and posted, I will comment on your blog with a link to the review post.
  • Write a small post including a link back to my site. The post can be something as simple as "Hey, Jenn over at Informal Critique wrote a review on my blog! Go check it out!" I don't care what you write as long as you provide a link back to
Why would you be interested in a free review? If you would like a little buzz about your blog, this is a great way to do it. Not only will I be linking to your site, but my visitors will view the post, and you may pick up some extra traffic. Also, you want to know what needs improvement on your blog. I can provide a little constructive criticism about what I feel needs to be done to improve your blog. Then again, I may also love your blog so much that I think nothing needs to be changed!

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