E Learning

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I previously mentioned that I was interested in returning to school to finish my degree. It seems like everywhere I look after mentioning that, I see information about online schools. I definitely want to try to get into an online program, but I don't even want to consider it unless I know it's an accredited program. I've seen too many people I have worked with in the past who have taken an online course, received a certification or degree, and been turned down by employers who frown on online schools because of all the scams out there.

When reading about e learning, I discovered Capella University. When reading about the programs offered, I liked what I saw. When I read that one of the faculty members,
Sara Orem, just co-authored a book about change through positive coaching titled ‘Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process for Change’, I thought she sounds like a professor who actually cares in helping her students achieve their goals.

Of course, I still have a lot of decisions to make involving which online school I choose, but I will definitely add Capella to my list of schools to research further.

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