Blogger Power

I posted on Blogger Power earlier in one of my other blogs, but I thought it was important to get the word out here, too. I believe all bloggers and webmasters should be willing to participate in the Blogger Power: Safeguard the Web for Children Project.

What is it? This project is a campaign to request that all webmasters of pornography related sites remove free clips, free pictures, free tours and such without requesting a login. Keep this material out of the hands of our children!

How can I participate? All you have to do is pass along the request to webmasters by posting a common-sense letter in your blog or on your own website. For more information, head over to Blogger Power to learn everything you need to know.

To Webmasters of Pornographic Material:
Please require a password-protected login before allowing even free access to explicit adult content. We understand that selling porn is your business and we respect your right to make a legal living. But understand our legitimate concerns and work with us. You already have the “warning adult content” on your websites. Yet kids, who are not legal customers of your product, ignore the warning. So to prevent them from having direct access to explicit images, texts and sounds, the simplest way is to have a password-protected login. No more “free tours” before a visitor supplies basic information.

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