Monday Madness.....1st Edition

Just on over to Monday Madness if you would like to play.

1. Do you ever use all caps when typing online messages?
I loathe all caps. Seriously, I can't stand it. The only time I use all caps is when I can't get my point across to someone. For instance, if I'm talking to you on IM and you keep rambling on and on, I might break out the caps long enough to tell you to STFU!

2. Does it bother you when other people use all caps in their messages?
Yes. Honestly, I really can't stand it, and I probably won't take the time to read whatever is there.

3. Do you use abbreviations (i.e. lol, brb, etc.) when typing email messages or text messages?
Of course I do. I don't have the time or the patience to type everything out. Besides, what's the use of having abbreviations if you don't use them. lol. See there I go.

4. Do you ever receive faxes or other correspondence from a professional office that are typed in all caps? If so, what do you think of that?
I can't honestly say that I've ever received anything from a professional office that was typed in all caps, but if I did, I would rethink their services and the type of employees working for the company.

5. Do you rely on the computer program to catch your typing errors, or do you proofread your material before sending it out?
I use spellcheck just like everyone else, but I know it doesn't catch the grammatical errors, so I try to re-read everything I write, but of course I can't catch everything either. Yes, you may find errors in my postings from time to time, but I'm human just like everyone else!

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